Monday, February 16, 2009
Enough Already
So I am. I am not where I was when this whole thing started, and obviously, it isn't motivating enough for me to write about it. I have some ideas for what the next thing is, but for now, I've apparently said everything I have to say on this topic.
Rock on.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saw "yes man" today
Anyway, it was a really fun experience. I don't suppose it is any great piece of art, but it was enjoyable and we saw it for $1, which makes it even better.
I thought it had a really powerful message though, one I found pretty inspirational. Because, truth be told, I am Jim Carrey early in the film in some ways. My goals this year are to write and read and watch movies--generally alone.
Of course, the premise is that he hears a motivational speaker who convinces him to say YES to everything. Clearly, this strategy proves as (hilariously) untenable as saying NO to everything when taken in the extreme.
But along the way, his life is a lot richer for having taken a few chances and working outside his comfort zone.
One of my goals is to live an enriching life. I think I have a different perspective on what that could be. Or should be. So, it is time to do some research and find myself something--a group, an activity, a hobby or a challenge that will get me out of the the house and living a little.
And no more settling for what's easy in a relationship...I want to find something that will rock my world.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
In honor of Merlin Mann
And it was good.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Quick thoughts
Things are going well, though. I am making progress on challenges, and feeling pretty good along the way.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Pretty Good Day
Of course, that's all about me.
The Economist has an interesting article on procrastination. It says that one of the reasons people procrastinate is that when they are forced to think in the abstract.
As the team report in Psychological Science, in all three studies, those who were presented with concrete tasks and information responded more promptly than did those who were asked to think in an abstract way. Moreover, almost all the students who had been prompted to think in concrete terms completed their tasks by the deadline while up to 56% of students asked to think in abstract terms failed to respond at all.
This is something that David Allen talks about a lot. The reason we often don't do a task is that we don't know what we are supposed to do first. We don't have it boiled down to a specific enough "next action." I would argue that ambiguity rather than abstraction is at the heart of the answer to this question.
At any rate, it is nice to see something besides the usual fear, perfectionism, discomfort occupying this debate.
Each of the tasks I had postponed to day--each for far too long--had been because I didn't know what the next step was. Once I exposed that first step, the rest of the work flowed right along.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thought for Today.....
And still this emptiness persists
Perhaps this is as good as it gets
When you’ve given up the drink and those nasty cigarettes
Now I leave the party early at least with no regrets
I watch the sun as it comes up I watch it as it sets
Yeah this is as good as it gets.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
She is somewhat needy, however, and this has generally not been a problem because she had female friends she cried to. She seems to have worn her welcome out with them, and last night, that left me facing the torrent of tears in the middle of the night.
I care for her. I don't want anything bad to happen to her. But, I'm not sure right now my shoulders are broad enough to be carrying someone else right now. I don't want to get out at the worst possible time, but I wonder if the time might ONLY get worse from here. What I'd like most is to continue to way it is, but I don't think that is in the cards, either.
So, the question is, do I have a higher obligation to me or to her. Of course, just writing this, the answer has become clear.
Monday, January 19, 2009
On setting goals....
This is an especially good post. Basically, it says that your goals have to be about process, and that process has to be to find ways to spend your time doing things you like to do. That's how you create energy and flow, and, ultimately, a happy life. "Take action where your passion lives, and the rest will follow."
This is a very good and inspirational post with lots of good ideas.
It brings up another interesting idea that I have been toying with, which is that there is usually a sweet spot of all these philosophies of life...a point of moderation where there really is energy.
For example, while I wholeheartedly endorse the idea of building your life around what you like to do, shouldn't some of your goals be designed to force yourself to do things you don't like to do? Covey once wrote that "successful people do what unsuccessful people don't like to do."
The difference is more perceived than real. You will note the importance of obsessive practice in the Trunk post, and Covey always talked about aligning your life to your mission.
Still, it is hard to give up all the old "grim duty of life" metaphors we got from Little House on the Prairie. Here's another sweet spot, though, because Trunk's post sounds like of 1960's-what-color-is-your-parachute.
One last thing. We're not moving widgets here. And, in knowledge work, I think what Trunk is talking about is key. The inspired and energetic and the ones that dig out the new inferences and relationships that create not just home runs, but a steady stream of singles and doubles.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Writer's routines shines light on BEING creative as opposed to FEELING creative
This post is on the daily routines of writers, and it makes a very clear point.
They were successful writers because they wrote. How much they wrote each day was variable, but they consistently produced words every single day, and they did it on a fixed schedule, regardless of how they felt.
We tie ourselves up in our feelings. We gotta do more, feel less.
Friday, January 16, 2009

This is pretty cool. Wordle lets you make a word/cloud diagram of the words on your blog (or any other set of words, for that matter. Here is what came up when I did this blog.
It blew me away, really. Here's a fascinating snapshot (and pretty accurate) of what has been going on in my mind. There's happy words, scared words, sad words, struggling words. Very powerful visual view
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Doing better
Monday, January 12, 2009
A day of struggle
Secretly, I had always kind of looked forward to my time alone. I got to cook something fun, and some time to do what I wanted....watch what I wanted on TV, etc. Football season is over, so I started my movie-watching regimen tonight.
Well, this is no time to fall down now. I am getting up the mountain. I think part of it is the winter blues, and I need to try and find a way to get some exercise. Part of it is just an expected trend. You don't sail along forever.
So, I have to struggle. I will not succumb. This will be an enriching year.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Interesting Question
It seemed like a healthy thing to do.
A friend of mine asked me how I was (via text). I said I was fine.
And she told me that I didn't have to be brave and strong for everyone.
I didn't know what to say. I was a little hurt. It almost felt like I needed to be miserable to meet someone else's expectations.
Like everything, it made me start to doubt myself. Am I papering over real feelings? Am I putting coping ahead of healing? Am I avoiding the real struggles?
I really don't think so. But, this is my story to write...no one else can speak the words that are on my lips. And I'm going to stay positive and upbeat, even if I might be papering over things.
Here's why. I feel like I'm flapping in the air. And if I stop flapping, I'm going to crash. I have been here before, and if I let myself use depression as an answer, I'm going to go down and I might not get up. I don't know if I would get up.
There is only one road forward. Be positive. Be upbeat. Be practical. Flap hard, and use your falling momentum to generate that upward thrust.
There is only one way.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Things OK
I wrote a note on the list to a person who was having trouble. I included some words from a post I linked to here, that went like this:
My mom: First, make yourself a cup of tea. Things are better with tea.
Me: I can’t make tea.
My mom: Why not?
Me: Because I’m in a ball on the bathroom floor.
My mom: Well then, the first step is to get off the floor.
I really like that exchange. Well, I posted it in one context, but another person read it on the anniversary of her Mother's death. She said the practical advice reminded her of her mother...and that it helped her get through the day.
Nice thing for today.
Monday, January 5, 2009
On Panic Attacks
But, I got through it, and now I might even see it coming sooner. But, the general sense of being overwhelmed is not going to go away soon. And there will still be lots to be afraid of out there. The only thing that is likely to change is me.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
"Control of Attention is the Ultimate Individual Power"
They are the missing piece in my puzzle. I have been sketching out some ideas about enlightenment, which will be posted soon, and it centers on the idea of the moment, and how you have to be able to do the right, most sustainable thing in the moment, and then let the past and future live in your mind. I believe that if you do the right thing in the moment, you create better options in the future--and therefore a greater sense of well-being and fewer feelings of threat. And better decisions in future moments. As opposed to a cycle of avoidance and life-patching that ultimately consumes itself.
Well, the missing key is that you have do to what you need in the moment. And, that's something I have really been struggling with. Here's what Brooks says:
Control of attention is the ultimate individual power. People who can do that are not prisoners of the stimuli around them. They can choose from the patterns in the world and lengthen their time horizons. This individual power leads to others. It leads to self-control, the ability to formulate strategies in order to resist impulses...it leads to resilience, the ability to persevere with an idea even when all the influences in the world say it can’t be done...It leads to creativity. Individuals who can focus attention have the ability to hold a subject or problem in their mind long enough to see it anew.
Wow. And is there a better creed than that for the post-industrial age? This is especially true in knowledge and creative work, where the widgets we have to move are more conceptual than real. The very flexibility our works demands becomes the rope we dangle from.
Control my attention. Focus on the things needed to be made and done during the year. This is the missing piece of my year. Brooks is right...much like the strategies I listed above, it creates a life spiral, one that nurtures itself, not one that consumes itself.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Merlin Mann
Here's the answer. I either do or I don't. Don't mythologize it. Don't wait for inspiration to strike. Don't wait until you feel like it.
Work. It's work. Stop waiting to feel like a success and start being a success. Stop feeling sorry for yourself...stop wishing it was easier. Answer a question, it just gets harder. Get used to it. It isn't going away.
People who want to learn how to feel creative. To feel successful. To feel like an artist. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.My sense, though, is that for most people who repeatedly do (and sell) creative work, this all seems a bit like wanting to feel like a world-class athlete. Because “feeling creative” produces great work in approximately the same way that “feeling like a doctor” makes you a gifted thoracic surgeon.
Let’s Talk About My Feelings
The athlete got good not by reading reviews of headbands, but by waking up early, lacing shoes in the dark, and hitting the track to train hard. While the surgeon got good not by watching reruns of Trapper John, M.D., but by slogging through medical school, residencies, and hundreds of hours of face time with patients, colleagues, and mentors. “Feeling” had nothing to do with it.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2009 Goals

Year of Enrichment.... things made and done
- Live with Enlightenment
- The Beauty of Zero
- Think big--exposure to big ideas, big acts.
- Be a writer
- Baseball
- 25 books
- 25 movies
- Good food and drink
- Exercise and care for your health